February 2012
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October 2014
Halloween can be a fun time for couples. Depending on the length and level of comfort of your relationship, it can be a great bonding (and hilarious) experience to dress in complimentary costumes. It makes for great shared memories and shows your friends that you’re committed to each other.
NOTE: If you haven’t been dating for a long time, couples costumes could be a bad idea. You wouldn’t want to have a bad memory from one of the most fun holidays of the year. Decide carefully.
Anyway, me and my team came up with a list of original couples costumes you could wear if you decide to dress up together. Comment at the end with your favorite couples costumes.
- Jasmine and Aladdin
- Bar of soap and loofah
- Baywatch
- Lois Lane and Clark Kent
- Dora and Diego
- Cat and mouse
- Danny Zuko and Sandy
- Firefighter and Dalmatian
- Geeks
- Milk and cereal
- The Flintstones
- David Beckham and Posh Spice
- Fantastic Mr Fox and Mrs Fox
- Sookie Stackhouse and Bill Compton
- Walter White and Jesse
- Sonny and Cher
- Miley Cyrus and a wrecking ball
- Lucy and Ricky Ricardo
- Titanic
- Salt and pepper
- Lady bug and bumble bee
- Tarzan and Jane
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Doctor and Nurse
- Jack and Sallie
- Roger and Ebert
- Mom and baby
- Bank robber and lady officer
- Beauty and the Beast
- Aladdin and Apu
What would you add to this list?
Relationship Advice For September
Did you meet a mysterious man this past weekend and you're not sure how to keep him on the edge? Here are a few great tips that will keep him wanting more!
When you need a pick-me-up or some motivation to keep on looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right, just take a look at some of these love/dating images.
PS: you might notice them from my official Facebook page, but thought it'd be nice to have them on the site so we can put them on Pinterest :)
- April 2013
- February 2013
- August 2012
- April 2012
- March 2012
- February 2012
Valentines Day e-Newsletter
February 14, 2012
It's a great day to LOVE YOURSELF! Singles & Couples tend to feel pressured about this 24 hour time period. Singles worry they don't have someone to spend the romantic evening with and may backslide into unrewarding behaviors. Couples fret about spending money on the right gift or making a big 'to-do' out of a non-holiday or birthday event. Valentine's Day is a day to enjoy!
Click Here for more ways to enjoy your Valentines Day, and for Valentines Day Do's and Don'ts!